Befriending Services
Morning Call is a charity based in Inverness, set up in 1989 to deliver a free daily call service to any older people experiencing isolation and loneliness, they also offer a housebound library service.
Do you need a Listening Ear? Phone CCC for a one off or regular Listening Ear call. Phone 07908402344 or email They are there to listen and support you in whatever you’re going through.
Here 2 Help is a Befriending Project run by Badenoch and Strathspey Community Transport Company. Befrienders can visit you for an hour or two each week in your own home, or they can accompany you out and about. Telephone befrienders are also available to call you each week for a chat. Telephone 01479 810 004 or email
Befriending service to support isolated and lonely individuals living in Glen Urquhart and Strathglass areas. The befriending service is free and matches volunteers with individuals who would like support through regular face to face visits and or meetings. It is open to all ages with the specific aim of addressing isolation and loneliness.
Befriender Coordinator: Sarah Selby
Email: tel: 07748 575 330
Age scotland friendship line is open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday 0800 12 44 222.
In partnership with the Highland Hospice Helping Hands service, Black Isle Cares offers a befriending service. The befriending service offers support to individuals in the community who feel lonely or isolated. Under this service, individuals will be matched with a volunteer befriender who will visit regularly to offer practical and social support. The service is free of charge and runs with the help of volunteer befrienders. All volunteer befrienders are trained through the Highland Hospice Helping Hands program and will need to successfully pass full PVG checks.
Please get in touch with our project coordinator at or 07548 343375